Active / Adventure

Ocean Cruises

River Cruises

My parents loved to travel and instilled that love in me from an early age. As a child we traveled primarily within the U.S. visiting many National Parks, Colorado, and Santa Fe. I remember camping in Yellowstone and being greeted by a bear in the early morning! Not something you forget!
As I got older I continued my travels throughout the U.S. and to England, Scotland and Ireland. I went on a safari in Africa in 1988 and it still ranks as one of my favorite trips. Most of that safari was in tents and being able to experience the African wildlife in their natural habitat was truly special.
I was lucky enough to marry a man who loves to travel as much, or more, than I do. So together we have been on many journeys. I have visited all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, all the continents, except Antarctica, and that’s still on my list!
After my career with AT&T, my husband and I retired and our travels have continued and we have fallen in love with cruising. Cruising is what I love and what I love booking for others. Jeff and I do 4 – 5 cruises a year – including ocean, river, expedition and barge. In 2023 we cruised the Northwest Passage – 21 days and the Amazon — both amazing experiences. We have 4 scheduled for 2024 including the Great Lakes, Suez Canal and more!
I could go on and on as travel is a very important part of who I am. Traveling has taught me how much the world and the U.S. have to offer. The National Parks in the U.S. are truly special gems that all citizens should take their time and visit. Traveling internationally has taught me about the various cultures of this world and how even though very diverse we all have common goals and interests. I now work for Departure Lounge and around to be one of the top producers. I have grown because of my travel and I thank my parents for planting that seed.
Baltic cruise, South America cruise – and my African safari was special. I’m often asked what my favorite cruise was – it is so hard to choose – I love all the experiences and can’t wait until my next one!!!